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Practice of Jeremy Woolhouse, pianist and Alexander Technique Teacher in Melbourne, Australia

Specialist in working with musicians, RSI, posture re-education, neck, back and chronic pain management. 

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Recomended Reading

Jeremy Woolhouse

Pedro De Alcantara “Indirect Procedures – a musicians guide to the Alexander Technique”
Oxford 1997

A fantastic introduction to the technique and principles.  Very clear and easy to read.  Fascinating and entertaining.  The second part of the book is dedicated to ways the technique can be applied by musicians in practice and performance.  Highly recommended for musicians.

Thomas Mark “What Every Pianist Needs to Know About the Body”
Gia Publications 2004

Specifically for pianists, this book offers anatomical diagrams and guidelines for achieving an easeful piano technique.  The authors draw on Alexander Technique and Taubman Technique to present a clear physiologically sound approach which is consistent with Alexander Technique principles.

F M Alexander “The Use of the Self” *
Methuen1932 re-printed by Gollancz 1998

Alexander is not heralded for his literary skills – the language is dated and sometimes takes a few readings to make sense of.  However, this is the primary source, and of his 4 books, this is the most concise, clearest and least expensive.  It is also the most fascinating as he recounts how he developed his technique, and how he teaches it in a couple of different situations.

Pedro De Alcantara “A Skill for Life”
Crowood 1999

In his easy going conversational style Pedro De Alcantara presents a very accessible general introduction to the technique.

Michael Gelb “Body Learning”
Henry Holt Co 1981

Another accessible introduction to the technique, with a few points for beginners to consider.

Don Weed “What You Think is What You Get”
ITM Publications, USA 2004

An intellectual and sometimes challenging text that is very thought provoking.  It goes quiet deep into the principles and is philosophical, yet practical.  


Kapit and Elson “The Anatomy Coloring Book”
Benjamin Cummings Publishing 2002

A basic understanding of anatomical structures is incredibly useful in contemplating the nature of human movement and behaviour.  Not only is this book a very clear explanation of where the anatomical features are and what they do, but you get to colour them in too!  The colouring is a great aid to learning.  It does use some technical terminology in the text, but the visual reference is the more important.


Deane Juhan “Job’s Body – a handbook for bodywork”
Barrytown Station Hill 2003

This book is a not written by an Alexander teacher or student.  It is intended for “bodyworkers” from various disciplines.  It describes in technical detail the workings of the body and mind in relationship to bodywork.  It goes a long way towards explaining why Alexander Technique is so profound.  It does require some background knowledge of anatomical terms.

Stephen Nachmanovich “Free Play – Improvisation in life and Art”
Tarcher Putnam 1990

A book devoted to the inspiration and expression of improvisation.  With a bit of imagination the text can be related to Alexander Technique or any act of living.  Recommended for anyone who considers their work an art form.

  • A note on F.M. Alexander’s writings:

    F.M. Alexander published works between 1910 and 1941. While his views on non-English people were common at the time, Alexander Technique teachers today regard these expressisons as culturally inappropriate. Poise Studio joins the international Alexander Technique community in upholding the educational principles published in F.M. Alexander’s work and denouncing his expressions of racism, prejudice and discrimination.